Friday, August 29, 2008


India and the US are very different democracies. And one of the most obvious differences in the democratic processes is the existence of the "primaries" in the US system. This time around, the primaries started around 18 months ago. They are reaching the end of the primaries now, with the Democrats winding up earlier this week, and the Republicans winding up next week.

It was while watching Barack Obama's speech last night that I realized: as different as the processes may be, one thing is central to both - politicians grubbing for votes.

Look again - You see a guy who is good at talking; energizes the crowd he talks to; and has a very fixed agenda, rhetoric, even. Is this an Obama or is this a Modi? So the two words Obama clothes in all those others, "hope" and "change", I choose to call OBAMATVA.

The "experience" of Obama has been brought up a lot. Both Obama and McCain have had no real administrative experience. We should remember that they have both been, and still are legislators. So how will they react to a large international crisis? Will a Putin, an Ahmadinejad or a Jong-il drive them over the edge? Can we ever predict that? Do we wait for this answer until after they are in control of the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons in the world? Can we really afford that?